A Thematic Approach to Succession Planning, Leadership Continuity, and Organizational Growth: Spotlight on Chief Executive Officers in Ghanaian Industry


  • R. Boateng Coffie Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana
  • D. Odikro Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana.
  • J.K. Turkson Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana.




Purpose: This study examines how succession planning (SP) for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) of high-performing organizations in emerging markets ensures the steady success of business continuity through competitive advantage and organizational growth. It also takes a keen interest in the role of the board of directors in perpetuating succession planning practices and the key qualities expected of future CEOs which include value-added competencies, specialized knowledge, leadership capabilities, and performance-based success.

Design/Methodology/Approach: This study adopts a qualitative and exploratory approach using a thematic approach to analyze the data.

Findings: Through a qualitative lens, the study found that most organizations have no succession-planning practices. Again, those that have it had a weak one, and only a few organizations have a mildly strong succession-planning policy. Furthermore, the board of directors plays a crucial role in the succession-planning processes of these organizations.

Research Limitation: There were some constraints during the study and writing of this paper which are indicated. The outbreak of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic caused the closing down of targeted companies for research.

Practical Implications: Companies should have strategic initiatives to enable the identification of a talent pool for training in all divisions.

Social Implications: Training activities such as seminars and workshops should be implemented to improve the understanding of leadership and succession planning.

Originality: Studies on succession planning did not consider the role of the board of directors which this study sheds light on.  Finally, studies on SP have not emphasized how important it is for chief executive officers to understand the crucial role that strategic decision-making and succession planning play in guaranteeing the long-term growth of organizations in sub-Saharan Africa.

Author Biographies

R. Boateng Coffie, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana

Dr. (Mrs.) Rosemary Boateng Coffie is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Human Resource and Organizational Development at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. She is also a member of the Institute of Human Resource Management Practitioners (Ghana). Since 2006 she has been engaged in curriculum review, teaching and research activities in the area of Management and Human Resource Management. Presently she serves as a panel member for Management, Marketing and Human Resource Management for the National Accreditation Board in Ghana.  Her research engagements include International and Institutional/Organisation Management, Strategy Management in terms of Human Resources and Organisation, Information Systems and HRM, Economic and Sustainability issues and Institutional and Societal Coping. She also serves as a reviewer for papers within her area of engagement.

D. Odikro, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana.

Mr.  David Odikro is a doctoral candidate at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) school of business.  He is an experienced worker in management operations and international business.

J.K. Turkson, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana.

Mr. James Kennedy Turkson is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Human Resource and Organizational Development at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. He is also a consultant with the Chattered Institute of Administration and Management Consultants. His research engagements include Human Resource Management and Management.


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How to Cite

Boateng Coffie, R., Odikro, D., & Turkson, J. (2022). A Thematic Approach to Succession Planning, Leadership Continuity, and Organizational Growth: Spotlight on Chief Executive Officers in Ghanaian Industry. AFRICAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH, 8(2), 83–100. https://doi.org/10.26437/ajar.31.10.2022.06